New Job, New Direction?!

Can you take your working life in a new direction?

Yes!! Of course you can. You have feet and you can use them to take yourself in any direction you please. 👣 \

But to please yourself, it helps to know yourself. 💡

The desire for more fulfilling work must be the most frequently cited reason for my career coaching clients getting in touch. But the competing claims they face with regard to money and their hard-earned status are often what has kept them from taking any budding ideas seriously…

❗But I’ve been on this path my whole career! What else can I do?

❗The money is good. I’ll never find another job that pays as well.

❗I want a job that is more meaningful, but I don’t know what that looks like… Sound familiar?

There is no doubt about it, switching careers can be challenging. But it can be fascinating and exciting too. ✨

And if you have been stuck in a job that rarely brings out the best in you, then it’s likely that you have been feeling disengaged and unfulfilled for some time. The career change process can re-engage you with who you really are, provide hope and inspiration regarding your future, help you work out what contribution you really want to make in the world of service, and can get you activated and steering in the right direction. If you would like to discuss your thoughts regarding a potential career shift, then why not get in touch today for a free consultation? ☎️

It will be wonderful to hear from you and share with you how I might be able to help you with your career progression. (From Insurance to Life & Career Coaching! 🥰 Where will your feet take you? 👣)

With you for your happiness AND success, Sandie ⭐