Career Coaching,
for your

Wellbeing and Success.

Career Coaching for your Professional Wellbeing and Success.

In today’s dynamic job market, it’s becoming increasingly common for professionals to explore new paths, driven by a desire for alignment between their personal values and their work. When your career feels disconnected from your values, it can lead to frustration, bitterness, and even a sense of disillusionment.

Enter career coaching—a transformative journey tailored just for you. Instead of generic advice, career coaching delves deep into your unique strengths, passions, and core values. It’s an empowering and supportive process that helps you reconnect with what truly matters now in your working life. By realigning your career with your personal values, you can unlock new opportunities for fulfillment, achievement, and workplace wellbeing,  whether you decide to stay in your current role or not.  Imagine waking up enthusiastic to embrace each day, knowing that your work aligns better now with what’s important to you. Take the first step towards a vibrant, meaningful working life and a job that reflects who you are today!

This is for you if you want help with

For Career Change

At some point in our working lives, many of us feel like we’re in the wrong job, but we’re not sure where to turn. The fear of losing the familiarity and security of what we’re doing now often outweighs the uncertainty about what we might gain from finding a more meaningful career.

Working with me, you’ll have the freedom to explore what really excites and inspires you and develop a clear understanding of how that could translate into a career where your strengths, values, and interests unite, allowing you to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Once you know where you want to go or how you want your role to change, I’ll provide the support you need to turn your resolve and determination into the actions necessary to make it happen.

Take your Career to the next Level

Career coaching can help you clarify what you want from your job and explore what is needed in order for you to get more of what you want.  It helps you work out what is working and what is not and set about creating an action plan to boost your career. As your coach I will hold your (metaphoric) ladder steady; help you aim higher, remind you of your strengths and help you stay on track.

Consider these questions:


If any of your answers are yes, then Career Coaching could help you.

What my coachees say

Sandie's open-minded and non-judgemental approach to coaching allowed me to identify and reassess my strengths and weaknesses which had become watered down and blurred over the years. Sandie's collaborative and open-minded approach along with an ability to spot and identify themes through open conversation was a great experience. I would highly recommend Sandie's services to anyone looking to better understand themselves be it in work or in personal life and put a structure in place to make changes to their life. Thank you Sandie, it's been an insightful and beneficial experience.
This has enabled me to prepare for interviews with a greater understanding of what is important to me and the confidence to discuss this in the interview. This resulted in an offer and Sandie has subsequently helped me to prepare to start my new role with confidence and clarity.
High Peak
I knew the limitations of coaching given my tight deadline, however, I am ASTOUNDED by how much clarity I have achieved and how far I have come mentally in just two sessions!
The support you provided over the last few months has been invaluable to getting me to where I needed to be, securing two positions and getting several interviews! Thank you Sandie.